Ordination Training

Most ordination candidates will undertake training for three years. 


The Diocesan Director of Ordinands (DDO) will discuss the various options with the candidate and the training arrangement is agreed with the Bishop.

Candidates for stipendiary ministry train either residentially at a Theological College or on a part-time, non-residential Course.

Candidates who do not intend to be stipendiary will normally train on a non-residential Course for three years.

Theological Colleges

Cranmer Hall (St. John’s College), Durham, DH1 3RJ
Tel: 0191 334 3894
Website: www.durham.ac.uk/cranmer

College of the Resurrection, Mirfield, W. Yorks., WF14 OBW
Tel: 01924 490441
Website: www.mirfield.org.uk

Oak Hill Theological College, Chase Side, Southgate, London, N14 4PS
Tel: 020 8449 0467
Website: www.oakhill.ac.uk

The Queen’s College, Somerset Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2QH
Tel: 0121 454 1527
Website: www.queens.ac.uk

Ridley Hall, Cambridge, CB3 9HG
Tel: 01223 741080
Website: www.ridley.cam.ac.uk

Ripon College, Cuddesdon, Oxford, OX44 9EX
Tel: 01865 874404
Website: www.oxford.anglican.org/rcc/rcc/htm

St. Stephen’s House, 16 Marston Street, Oxford, OX4 1JX
Tel: 01865 247874
Website: www.ststephenshouse.ac.uk

Trinity College, Stoke Hill, Bristol, BS9 1JP
Tel: 0117 968 2803
Website: www.trinity-bris.ac.uk

Westcott House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BP
Tel: 01223 741000
Website: www.westcott.cam.ac.uk

Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, OX2 6PW
Tel: 01865 274200
Website: www.wycliffe.ox.ac.uk

Regional Courses

Candidates for non-residential training from the Chelmsford Diocese normally train at either:

St Mellitus College
St Jude's Chuch
24 Collingham Road
London SW5 0LX

Tel: 0207 052 0573
Website: www.stmellitus.ac.uk

London | Chelmsford | Liverpool

Eastern Region Ministry Course,
Wesley House,
Jesus Lane,
Cambridge, CB5 8BJ

Tel: 01223 741026
Website: www.ermc.cam.ac.uk

Some candidates who work in Central London train at:

St Augustine’s College of Theology
St Augustine’s College of Theology
Pax House
52 Swan Street
West Malling
Kent  ME19 6JX

Tel: 01732 252 656
Website: www.staugustinescollege.ac.uk

For more information or to report anything wrong with this page please contact Sarah Wilson