Teacher and children smiling Teacher and children smiling

Safeguarding Guidance and Resources

Includes the handbook, e-manuals, fact sheets, templates, models, posters, policy and practice guidance

In the Diocese of Chelmsford we have adopted the suite of Policy and Practice Guidance provided by the National Safeguarding Team for the Church of England.

The Parish Safeguarding Handbook

The Parish Safeguarding Handbook

Click to download

Click on a link below to take you to the relevant section:

Diocese of Chelmsford Statements

Church of England NST Statements

Church of England NST Safeguarding Standards

On 17th October 2023, the Church of England published a set of National Safeguarding Standards, as an essential benchmark to understand the quality and the impact of its safeguarding activity at a local and national level. 

The Standards will enable Church bodies to identify both their strengths and areas for development, which will in turn inform their strategic planning in respect of safeguarding.

The five standards aim to cover the breadth of safeguarding activity in the Church.

Please click on the following link for more information https://www.churchofengland.org/safeguarding/safeguarding-news-releases/safeguarding-standards-published 

Church of England NST Policy and Practice Guidance

Church of England NST Safer Recruitment and People Management

Church of England NST Tools, Templates, Models & Resources

Church of England NST Posters

If your parish doesn’t have the facilities to print posters you could try contacting our Print Unit for a quote.

Church of England NST Responding Well

Safeguarding & Digital Communications

As more of us are now using digital and video communications in our ministry it is important that we are aware of the safeguarding implications and following best practice. Please ensure you are familiar with the following guidance and share it with those in your parish who organise online meetings or worship activity.

GDPR and permissions for adults

Those appearing in video or photographs will need to have given you their permission. A photo release form can be signed by adults. The form must include all the places that the photo or video may be used by the church. 

The template photo release form can be downloaded HERE

GDPR and permissions for children

Videos containing children may be used by the church if consent has been given by their parent or guardian. This needs to be signed consent and should include the places which the photo or video may be used by the church. If permission has not been given, it can be helpful to identify these children by using a simple paper wristband, or by asking them to sit in a photo and video free zone. Practically, seeking permission may need a few extra helpers on the day, working from a safe social distance. Alternatively, prepare ahead by sending out the forms to your church newsletter list to avoid queues on the day.

More information can be found under the 'Video and Livestreaming' section

Church of England NST Theology & Safeguarding:

A resource to help local churches do some theological thinking around safeguarding has been published today (30th June 2016) by the Faith and Order Commission (FAOC). The text is meant to be read as a specifically theological resource alongside safeguarding policy and guidance documents from the local diocese and the national church.

Both of these documents are available to purchase through Church House Publishing

Duty to have "due regard” to House of Bishops safeguarding policy and practice guidance

The Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016 imposes a legal duty on all authorised clergy, licensed readers and lay workers, churchwardens and PCCs (parochial church councils) to have 'due regard' to safeguarding guidance issued by the House of Bishops on matters relating to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults (this will include both policy and practice guidance). 

The legal duty to have 'due regard' means that, as a matter of law, the guidance should be given great weight and must be followed unless there are ‘cogent reasons’ for not doing so. A person who is required to have due regard to the guidance should not simply take it upon themselves to decide that there are cogent reasons for departing from the guidance. Such a decision should be taken – if at all – only after case-specific advice has been obtained from both the DSA (Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser) and the Diocesan Registrar.

What are the repercussions for those who do not follow ‘due regard’ guidance?

  • A failure by a member of the clergy to comply with the duty to have due regard to House of Bishops safeguarding guidance is misconduct under the Clergy Discipline Measure 2003 (‘CDM’). 
  • A failure by a reader or lay worker to have due regard to House of Bishops safeguarding guidance would be grounds for the revocation of the reader’s or lay worker’s licence by the bishop.
  • A failure by a churchwarden or parochial church council to have due regard to House of Bishops safeguarding could result in an investigation being carried out by the Charity Commission and the churchwarden or PCC members being disqualified as charity trustees.
  • The Ecclesiastical Insurance Group has made it clear that their insurance cover is only valid where House of Bishops’ safeguarding policy and practice guidance is being followed. 

For more info:

Safeguarding resources for young volunteers survey

Styles and Faal Safeguarding is an independent safeguarding business. They have been asked by JOIN Church of England to create some resources to support churches to recruit and train young leaders (under 18’s).

They are looking for Church staff and volunteers, young people under 18 and parents/carers to answer an anonymous survey to provide information about their experiences and views on the recruitment and training of young leaders in the Church.

Please feel free to share the link and the survey within your parishes and worshipping communities until the 6th September.

If you have any questions please contact admin@stylesandfaalsafeguarding.com